Case study

Agile SP

Agile SP, a leading internet services provider headquartered in South Africa, needed to scale up its global connectivity infrastructure to service its growing customer base. They required high quality IP Transit to connect their customers in South Africa with Europe and Asia with high Quality of Service.

Agile SP

Direct, low latency connections to Europe and Asia

  • Challenges

  • Solution

  • Benefits

  • global-connectivity

    Single, scalable global solution

    Agile SP wanted to be able to scale capacity into different markets as their business expanded, through a single global partnership.
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    Network reliability and resilience

    Low latency and redundant network connectivity were essential for Agile SP to deliver mission-critical traffic reliably and securely.
  • SIM-for-Things

    High volumes of traffic

    With a large volume of priority traffic needing transportation across the world, Agile needed to deliver 99.999% uptime. With a growing customer base, the solution also needed to seamlessly accommodate the increase in traffic volume.
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    High quality routing

    The BICS IP Transit solution with direct, low latency connections to Europe and Asia enables Agile SP to support customers with highly reliable and scalable connectivity, transporting traffic via high quality routes with built-in redundance and low jitter, to guarantee the delivery of its SLAs.
  • partners

    A single global partnership

    A single global partnership also means that Agile SP can streamline its own operations, with the added benefit of being able to scale up into other locations as needed.
  • speed

    High speed connections

    Direct routes to major destinations, thanks to BICS’ capacity on cable systems both on the west coast and east coast of Africa, enables Agile SP to deliver low latency, high quality internet connectivity to its customers for any use case.
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    Resilience and guaranteed performance

    BICS’ carrier-grade network infrastructure with redundant connectivity minimizes network downtime while allowing any network failures to be quickly detected and remediated, without affecting the user experience.
  • increase-scale

    Ease of scalability

    The BICS global network footprint with 140 Points of Presence allows Agile SP to easily and rapidly scale its capacity as its business grows.
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    High Quality of Service

    BICS provides expert support and a dedicated account team at all stages, from the onboarding phase to using the IP Transit service.
BICS has enhanced our IP Transit offering by adding real value, helping to grow our wholesale customer base that covers Johannesburg, Durban, and Cape Town in South Africa. BICS is a reliable trustworthy partner that has allowed us to expand our global reach with our IP Transit services.

Agile Solutions Provider

Dean Pillay, CEO

Agile SP

About Agile SP

Agile Solutions Provider is a B-BBEE Level 1 contributor internet service provider (ISP) based in South Africa. As a tier 1 IP Transit aggregator, they enable local and regional ISPs, wireless internet service providers (WISPs), and content and cloud providers through their vastly interconnected global footprint of tier 1 providers.

Capacity solutions

Capacity solutions

Scale capacity when your business needs it. Expand into new global markets. Deliver excellent Quality of Experience to your customers.

Capacity solutions

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